“Where is the powder?” is a question we keep hearing, and asking more and more during the winters. Shortening snowless seasons together with rapidly melting glaciers and the poor quality of air are just some of the most immediate impacts climate change has on winters and our way of life. Merely searching for powder and complaining isn’t good enough anymore. As a business we recognize our responsibility towards our planet and we are passionate to both act and learn more about ways to reduce the mark we leave on our surroundings.

By reusing and recycling the maximum amount of materials we handle has been a part of our daily routine for years. Plastics, cardboards and other packing materials we reuse in shipping our online orders as well as in storing our products as much as possible. Recyclable materials such as metals, paper and glass we sort and recycle accordingly at the end of their life cycle.

How about a jacket made out of old plastic bottles? We are happy to be working with environmentally conscious brands that share a passion for preserving our planet and minimizing their impact on nature. One of our biggest partners is Picture Organic Clothing. This young French brand is known for its innovative design and for using recycled materials such as polyester made out of old plastic bottles in all of their clothing.

We have been helping to raise funds for Protect Our Winters an association founded by Jeremy Jones to spread awareness about the threats posed by global warming. By screening the films Deeper, Further and Higher in Chamonix we were able to collect over 2000€ which went directly to POW. We look forward to deepening our cooperation in the future as we wholeheartedly support the work POW does in protecting our industry, winters and way of life.